Bringing You Acupuncture and Enhanced Healing Treatments
An Eastern Medicine Center Committed to Your Health

Bringing You Acupuncture and Enhanced Healing Treatments
An Eastern Medicine Center Committed to Your Health

Eastern Medicine is the prevention and treatment of disease through multiple modalities. These Asian-derived techniques are tried, true, and evolved, and have been practiced for over 5,000 years. Dr. Rodgin’s practice includes acupuncture, electroacupuncture, moxibustin, guasha, cupping, magnets and lasers. She is committed to a wholistic approach to healing, as she harmonizes and balances the whole body. The treatments she uses are personalized for each patient.
What occurs during a treatment session in Eastern Medicine?
Diagnostic tools in Eastern medicine include taking a detailed medical history, evaluation of the tongue, twelve different wrist pulses, and abdominal palpation. The treatment that follows is aimed at moving Qi (energy conduction) therapeutically to reduce a patient's illnesses and to promote improved health and well being.

Our Mission
Our mission is to heal patients and to engage them in helping to solve their problems and complaints.

Our Vision
Our vision is to be an integrated part of our patient's healthcare team.
Acu Healing Center staff

Dr. Susan Rodgin